Quiz 1

    Choose from B the correct statement for A:



    A-     Has disc-shaped head and lies laterally in the forearm

    B-      Pectoralis major originates from the medial half and is important in transmission of the upper limb weight.

    C-      Has medial and lateral epicondyle.

    D-     Lies on the inferior surface of the clavicle.

    E-      Lies at the lower end of the radius.

    F-      Gives medial attachment for flexor retinaculum.

    G-     The upper part of the hook of the ulna.

    H-     Has a subscapular fossa on its ventral surface.

    I-        Articulate with the base of first metacarpal.

    J-       Are eight bones arranged in two rows.

    K-      Has a supinator crest and its posterior border lies subcutaneous.

    L-  projects from the superior border of the scapula.
