Quiz 3

    Choose from B the correct statement for A:



    A-   Inserted by four tendons in middle phalanges of the medial four fingers.

    B-   It lies medial to the brachial artery in the cubital fossa.

    C-   Innervated by radial nerve.

    D-   Inserted in the palmar aponeurosis.

    E-   Pronates the forearm.

    F-    Is a branch of the ulnar artery.

    G-   Is a triangular space at the front of the elbow.

    H-    Is a branch of the median nerve in the forearm.

    I-     Originates by two heads.

    J-    Blood supply of the posterior compartment of the forearm.

    K-   Assists the triceps to extend the elbow.

    L- Divided into deep and superficial branches in the forearm.
